The Holy and Happy


The Message

You are set apart...

As a child of God you are "set apart" from the world unto the Lord and to live by God's standards, not the world's. It is God's desire for you to be happy and to enjoy life here on earth, and be blessed. God want you to live joyfully, to see good days, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

You can live Holy and be Happy

at the same time!

The Vision

This Godly divine movement was given to encourage and motivate the people of God to LIVE Holy lives and BE Happy about it.

If you're living according to God’s word, does your

lifestyle reflect holiness?

You are holy because God says you are holy. Our holy lifestyle should show the world that we can obey God and still lead happy and fulfilling lives as well.

Bible and a Sword on a Dark Wooden Table

Happy is that people, that is in such a case: Yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

Psalm 144:15 KJV

The Mission

The Holy and Happy Movement mission is to spread the mandate given by God to God's people to live holy and happy lives. In doing so, create purposeful experiences for the people of God to enhance their holy living.

The Holy and Happy Movement would love to come to your events and worship services .  HHM will be delighted to spread God's mandate through concert segments, television and radio networks, conferences, schools

and wherever God ordain us to go. 

Wherever we go, we go in the name of the Lord,

to glorify God and be a blessing to the body of Jesus Christ. 

The Movement

Holy people of God, you do not have to go back into the world in order to find happiness. When you gave up the world, you gave up everything in it that separated you from God and made you impure in the eyesight of God.

In the Kingdom of God, happiness is still available to you. You can love God, love Jesus, operate in Holy Spirit , still have fun and be happy about living a holy lifestyle.

The Word

What does it mean for us to be holy?

Old Testament: When God told Israel to be holy in Leviticus Chapter 11 and 19, God was instructing them to be distinct from the other nations by giving them specific regulations to govern their lives. Israel was God's chosen nation and God set them apart from all other people/groups. They where God's special people, and they were given standards that God wanted them to live by so the world would know they belonged to God.

New Testament: When Peter repeats the Lord's words in 1 Peter 1:16, he talks specifically to believers. As believers, we need to be "set apart" from the world unto the Lord. We must live by God's standards, not the world's. God isn't calling us to be perfect, but to be distinct from the world. 1 Peter 2:9 describes believers as "a holy nation." It is a fact! We are separated from the world and we must live out that reality in our day-to-day lives.

The Lifestyle

What does it mean to be happy while living holy? God want us to be happy. (Read Eccl. 2:24; 3:12-13,22;1 Pet. 3:10;) Happy is a synonym for "blessed". God want us to enjoy life here on earth, and be blessed/happy. He want us to live joyfully, to see good days, and enjoy the fruits of our labor. We can be happy (as defined by God), and we can be holy (as defined by God.)